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National UFO Tracking Center



LOS ANGELES: George (LNW) reports observing 4 lights Jan. 16 at 9:00pm local time.

"I saw 4 strange lights (faintly different colors), They looked like they radiated out from a dark object. It was cloudy that night, and I was looking up at the moon, then I looked over at the stationary lights and I thought they were light from the moon reflected on the clouds from above. But I watched for 15 minutes and these lights were unchanging, and the clouds were rolling by." (click for full description and comments)
posted 18.1.00


Steve Waller reports a sighting in Bombay at 2100hrs (local); "Just seen 2 lights, looking like orange stars. They were floating above the Bombay skyline (seen looking east over the city from the south west extreme)..then they moved together in a loop. with one moving off and dissappearing to the north. The other descended and travelled in the opposite direction south, over the southern end of the city, rapidly loosing height." (click to comment)

** editor's note: despite the fact that this website is called National UFO Tracking Center, both sightings reported so far have been from international sources. While we greatly appreciate the contributions, as a result, we might have to change our name to iNUTC...Thanks Steve!
posted 16.1.00


"Michael" reports sighting an unidentified at approx. 0330hrs (Eastern Australian Time), January 2, 2000, located at Norh Richmond New South Wales, Australia.

"I noticed a object flying from the west heading Easterly the object was too high for a commercial Aircraft it was Light in colour. I observed two satellites moving from the west just after the disappearance of this Craft."

** editors note: This was the first sighting reported to NUTC, and we are extremely pleased to bring you this. Hopefully others will verify (or explain) this sighting and chat about it. Special thanks to Michael for sending it in! Please let us know if there are other things you would like to see done with the Sightings page.


HAPPY 2000! Things have been a little slow and I have been taking a winter holiday. Hopefully the latest sighting is the beginning of a nice, long, clear, dark winter full of sightings and excitement.

The reviews page now has several items on it that come highly recommended. We are still looking for submissions.

Send announcements to webmaster@nutc.freeservers.org.

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